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Christy K. Mack

Co-Founder and President
The Healthy US Collaborative

Christy Mack, President of the Christy and John Mack Foundation, is regarded as one of the nation’s leading public advocates for the transformation of our healthcare system, for related broad-based public education and disease prevention programs, and for the role that philanthropy must play in bringing about a healthier nation. Ms. Mack, a tireless proponent for strategic and effective philanthropy, is a leader in a new generation of creative donors who find the leverage points that spark broad systems change. She has guided her own family foundation in demonstrating this approach through generous healthcare funding and leadership.

Ms. Mack co-founded Healthy US with Ann Lovell. She was Co-Founder and President of The Bravewell Collaborative, a national community of philanthropists who worked together to transform the culture and delivery of healthcare. She is a member of the Board of Visitors of the Duke University Medical Center. At Duke’s request, she funded and oversaw the design and construction of Duke Integrative Medicine (Duke IM), a groundbreaking 27,000 square-foot facility at the heart of the Duke University Health System and its mission. Because its architecture and interior mastered the connection between the facility and its mission, Duke IM won the 2010 National AIA Design Award for Healthcare.

The Bravewell Collaborative and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) at the National Academies co-convened a Summit on Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public on February 25-27, 2009 in Washington, D.C., which explored the science and practice of integrative medicine, and how its adoption could improve the breadth and depth of patient-centered care and promote the health of the American people. Given the importance of the Summit’s outcomes, Dr. Harvey Fineberg, President of the IOM, and Dr. Ralph Snyderman, Chancellor Emeritus of the Duke University Health System and Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee for the Summit, urged the creation of a national movement for health and well-being.